Today’s Slideshow is courtesy of Lucio Gomes – The South Bay – January 22nd
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lo res white sharkIf you haven’t seen the Video of the Great White Shark encounter, at El Porto, from 10-16-13
Check it out!

For Monday morning the original swell will back down into the shoulder to head high zone but get some reinforcements in the form of a fresh Westerly swell moving in from a liberal 280 degrees. The combination of the two swells should put the top West facing breaks into the head high to overhead range. The new swell have 16-18 second intervals so the beach breaks will likely be on the walled side again, but an early morning high tide could slow things down enough to give them a little shape. I make no promises but there should still be plenty of juice out there.

2014-01-27 Mon 03:37 AM Moonrise
2014-01-27 Mon 05:51 AM 5.97 feet High Tide
2014-01-27 Mon 06:54 AM Sunrise
2014-01-27 Mon 01:10 PM -0.79 feet Low Tide
2014-01-27 Mon 02:11 PM Moonset
2014-01-27 Mon 05:19 PM Sunset
2014-01-27 Mon 07:33 PM 3.70 feet High Tide

The conditions should be fair with variable winds out of the East in the 1-5 MPH range until 11AM and 5-7 MPH in the afternoon. The air temp dips down to 65 degrees.

For Tuesday morning we’ll be left with only that 280 degree Westerly swell but the better West facing breaks should go shoulder to head high plus with larger sets at the better deep water, West facing breaks. Once again, a huge high tide at 6:42AM will give the beach breaks a glimmer of hope.

2014-01-28 Tue 12:20 AM 1.75 feet Low Tide
2014-01-28 Tue 04:37 AM Moonrise
2014-01-28 Tue 06:42 AM 6.42 feet High Tide
2014-01-28 Tue 06:53 AM Sunrise
2014-01-28 Tue 01:52 PM -1.27 feet Low Tide
2014-01-28 Tue 03:16 PM Moonset
2014-01-28 Tue 05:20 PM Sunset
2014-01-28 Tue 08:13 PM 4.08 feet High Tide

The conditions look slightly better with variable breezes out of the East in the 1-4 MPH zone until 11AM and 7-9 MPH out of the West until sun down. The air temp jumps back up to 75 degrees again.

For Wednesday morning, our seemingly endless procession of Westerly swells will continue to provide decent surf for the better West facing beaches. The top spots should remain in the shoulder to head high plus zone with some larger sets. Tides remain a factor for the dawn patrol.

2014-01-29 Wed 01:13 AM 1.43 feet Low Tide
2014-01-29 Wed 05:33 AM Moonrise
2014-01-29 Wed 06:52 AM Sunrise
2014-01-29 Wed 07:30 AM 6.72 feet High Tide
2014-01-29 Wed 02:32 PM -1.56 feet Low Tide
2014-01-29 Wed 04:25 PM Moonset
2014-01-29 Wed 05:21 PM Sunset
2014-01-29 Wed 08:52 PM 4.43 feet High Tide

The conditions look fantastic with NE/NNE breezes in the 3-8 MPH zone until 11AM and then 6-9 MPH out of the West in the afternoon. The air temp jumps back up to 72 degrees again.

For Thursday morning that swell will continue to throw some energy our way as yet anther little ground swell rolls into town. This should be good for more shoulder to head high plus at the top spots. *** Huge high tides remain in play for the morning!

2014-01-30 Thu 02:03 AM 1.12 feet Low Tide
2014-01-30 Thu 06:23 AM Moonrise
2014-01-30 Thu 06:52 AM Sunrise
2014-01-30 Thu 08:17 AM 6.81 feet High Tide
2014-01-30 Thu 01:40 PM New Moon
2014-01-30 Thu 03:12 PM -1.62 feet Low Tide
2014-01-30 Thu 05:22 PM Sunset
2014-01-30 Thu 05:36 PM Moonset
2014-01-30 Thu 09:31 PM 4.72 feet High Tide

The conditions will be good again with variable breezes out of the East in the 4-6 MPH zone until 11AM and 10-12 MPH out of the West in the afternoon. The air temp will top out at 69 degrees.

The current water temps Newport 61 degrees, Huntington 62 degrees, the South Bay showed as 60 degrees, Santa Monica 60 degrees and Malibu 60 degrees.

I’ll be back on Tuesday with the 5DAY 4CAST!

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