Today’s Slideshow is courtesy of Lucio Gomes – The South Bay – Mid January, 2015
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Okay, seems like quite a bit of swell continues to sneak in under the radar. On paper, yesterday was supposed to be a dying swell, and I, being a veteran of aquatic beatings still managed to get totally worked. I’ll give it a 3.5, (out of 5) stars netti pot rating as I was dragged underwater for what seemed to be, in totality, the length of a football field or at least a Canadian end zone!!!
Even today, Thursday, there were still a few sets with swagger and it looks like some deep water swell is hanging in the balance along with a sprinkle of wind swell so stay on your toes. The standard buoy readings seem to be irrelevant over the last few days… Mother Nature has been working on her curve ball and even more intimidating is her spitter!
Friday morning starts off with waist to chest high sets into the best West facing breaks. There is some small, but potent ground swell due to show later in the day. This will be good for waist to maybe chest high sets from a 300 degree angle and 17 second intervals.
2015-01-30 Fri 03:24 AM Moonset
2015-01-30 Fri 06:01 AM 5.55 feet High Tide
2015-01-30 Fri 06:52 AM Sunrise
2015-01-30 Fri 01:18 PM -0.38 feet Low Tide
2015-01-30 Fri 02:02 PM Moonrise
2015-01-30 Fri 05:22 PM Sunset
2015-01-30 Fri 07:47 PM 3.68 feet High Tide
The conditionslook decent with variable winds in the 2-5 MPH zone until 11AM and 6-8 out of the West in the afternoon. The air temp dips to 67 degrees and there’s a slim, 10% chance of rain.
For Saturday morning we’ll see waist to chest high plus surf for the better West facing breaks. Early high tides will be in play so keep your dawn patrol expectations in check.
2015-01-31 Sat 12:34 AM 1.96 feet Low Tide
2015-01-31 Sat 04:15 AM Moonset
2015-01-31 Sat 06:46 AM 5.69 feet High Tide
2015-01-31 Sat 06:51 AM Sunrise
2015-01-31 Sat 01:56 PM -0.59 feet Low Tide
2015-01-31 Sat 02:54 PM Moonrise
2015-01-31 Sat 05:23 PM Sunset
2015-01-31 Sat 08:24 PM 3.86 feet High Tide
The conditionslook fair with variable winds in the 2-5 MPH zone until 11AM and 6-9 MPH winds out of the West in the afternoon. The air temp tops out at 70 degrees.
For Sunday morning we’ll have waist to chest high plus swell out of the NW for the best West facing breaks.
* High tide at 7:25AM
2015-02-01 Sun 01:17 AM 1.85 feet Low Tide
2015-02-01 Sun 05:01 AM Moonset
2015-02-01 Sun 06:50 AM Sunrise
2015-02-01 Sun 07:25 AM 5.77 feet High Tide
2015-02-01 Sun 02:29 PM -0.67 feet Low Tide
2015-02-01 Sun 03:46 PM Moonrise
2015-02-01 Sun 05:24 PM Sunset
2015-02-01 Sun 08:54 PM 3.98 feet High Tide
The conditionslook doable with variable winds in the 1-10 MPH zone until 11AM and N/NNE winds in the 6-9 MPH range in the afternoon. The air temp tops out at 71 degrees.
The current water temps Newport 61 degrees, Huntington 59 degrees, the South Bay showed as 63 degrees, Santa Monica 62 degrees and Malibu 62 degrees.
I’ll be back on Friday with the next update!