Here are some great shots courtesy of Brian McStotts –




Tuesday morning should be the best day we’ve seen in a while with that 195-200 degree, long interval SW swell in effect. Any spot with a peek at the South should see some fun chest to shoulder high sets and the super exposed breaks should go head high or better. The energy will be more even dispersed so the OC won’t be the only game in town. There should be lots of choices out there, but with the long intervals the points and reefs look like the best option.

2013-04-30 Tue 12:01 AM Moonrise
2013-04-30 Tue 12:42 AM 5.53 feet High Tide
2013-04-30 Tue 06:05 AM Sunrise
2013-04-30 Tue 08:11 AM -0.54 feet Low Tide
2013-04-30 Tue 10:42 AM Moonset
2013-04-30 Tue 03:05 PM 3.62 feet High Tide
2013-04-30 Tue 07:37 PM Sunset
2013-04-30 Tue 07:42 PM 2.41 feet Low Tide
2013-04-26 Fri 10:17 PM 6.34 feet High Tide

The conditions look fair for spots that can handle a South wind, we’ll have breezes out of the SE/SSE in the 2-4 MPH zone until 11AM and those will get up to the 8-10 MPH zone out of the West for the afternoon. The air temp will top out at 68 degrees.

Wednesday morning is looking good as South swell continues to flow in one right on top of another and all from that liberal angle of 195-200 degrees. The top spots will see shoulder to head high plus sets but the swell should wrap into the combo spots as feel.

We’ll also see some 8-10 second interval, NW wind swell from a fairly steep angle of 210 degrees. That should be just enough to break up the long interval SW energy.

2013-05-01 Wed 12:50 AM Moonrise
2013-05-01 Wed 01:51 AM 5.00 feet High Tide
2013-05-01 Wed 06:04 AM Sunrise
2013-05-01 Wed 09:21 AM -0.24 feet Low Tide
2013-05-01 Wed 11:48 AM Moonset
2013-05-01 Wed 04:23 PM 3.83 feet High Tide
2013-05-01 Wed 07:38 PM Sunset
2013-05-01 Wed 09:25 PM 2.43 feet Low Tide

The conditions look okay for spots that can handle a South wind. We’ll see breezes out of the SE/SSE in the 3-6 MPH zone until noon and those will get up to the 10-12 MPH zone out of the West for the afternoon. The air temp will top out at 68 degrees.

For Thursday morning both the NW wind swell and the SW ground swell will back down a notch, but continue to produce some good surf. The wind swell will be in the knee to waist high zone and the SW energy will continue to churn out chest to shoulder high sets with a few larger sneaker sets.

2013-05-02 Thu 01:34 AM Moonrise
2013-05-02 Thu 03:15 AM 4.53 feet High Tide
2013-05-02 Thu 04:16 AM Last Quarter
2013-05-02 Thu 06:03 AM Sunrise
2013-05-02 Thu 10:29 AM 0.00 feet Low Tide
2013-05-02 Thu 12:52 PM Moonset
2013-05-02 Thu 05:28 PM 4.19 feet High Tide
2013-05-02 Thu 07:38 PM Sunset
2013-05-02 Thu 11:06 PM 2.08 feet Low Tide

The conditions look okay with variable breezes in the 2-6 MPH zone until 11 and those will get up to the 12-17 MPH zone out of the West for the afternoon. The air temp will jump up to 79 degrees.

The current water temps are as follows – Newport 62 degrees, Huntington 59 degrees, the South Bay showed as 60 degrees, Santa Monica 62 degrees and Malibu 59 degrees.

I’ll be back on Tuesday with the 5DAY 4CAST!