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For Tuesday morning we’ll see the swan song of that long lasting ground swell with very inconsistent chest high sets for the top West facing breaks. Be prepared to do some waiting out there but rest assured there still be some sporadic sets through the morning hours.

2017-01-31 Tue 04:55 AM 1.60 feet Low Tide
2017-01-31 Tue 06:51 AM Sunrise
2017-01-31 Tue 09:12 AM Moonrise
2017-01-31 Tue 10:53 AM 5.03 feet High Tide
2017-01-31 Tue 05:23 PM Sunset
2017-01-31 Tue 05:38 PM -0.05 feet Low Tide
2017-01-31 Tue 09:25 PM Moonset

The conditions should be excellent with NE/NNE winds at 2-8 MPH until noon, (stronger below passes and canyons), and a mild 2-4 MPH out of the West in the afternoon. The air temp gets up to 70 degrees.

For Wednesday morning we’re not anticipating much more than waist high plus sets for the top spots for the morning hours. We are however due to see some fresh, fairly potent NW energy start to weave its way into the mix in the late afternoon/early evening.

2017-02-01 Wed 12:10 AM 4.43 feet High Tide
2017-02-01 Wed 05:53 AM 1.62 feet Low Tide
2017-02-01 Wed 06:50 AM Sunrise
2017-02-01 Wed 09:49 AM Moonrise
2017-02-01 Wed 11:43 AM 4.40 feet High Tide
2017-02-01 Wed 05:24 PM Sunset
2017-02-01 Wed 06:17 PM 0.43 feet Low Tide
2017-02-01 Wed 10:28 PM Moonset

The conditions should be excellent with variable winds out of the East at 3-6 MPH until noon and 3-7 MPH out of the West in the afternoon. The air temp tops out at 65 degrees.

For Thursday morning the swell will hit the ground running with meaty, OH to DOH sets for the best West facing breaks. The tides look reasonable, the weather good and the surf should be pumping! Go get some!

2017-02-02 Thu 12:57 AM 4.55 feet High Tide
2017-02-02 Thu 06:49 AM Sunrise
2017-02-02 Thu 07:07 AM 1.59 feet Low Tide
2017-02-02 Thu 10:27 AM Moonrise
2017-02-02 Thu 12:48 PM 3.71 feet High Tide
2017-02-02 Thu 05:25 PM Sunset
2017-02-02 Thu 07:03 PM 0.96 feet Low Tide
2017-02-02 Thu 11:32 PM Moonset

The conditions should be fantastic with E/SE winds at 5-10 MPH until noon and 1-4 MPH out of the West in the afternoon. The air temp plummets to 60 degrees.

For Friday morning that NW energy will hold with OH to WOH sets for the best West facing breaks. This will slowly back down through the day but continue to produce swell into Saturday morning.

2017-02-03 Fri 01:53 AM 4.71 feet High Tide
2017-02-03 Fri 06:49 AM Sunrise
2017-02-03 Fri 08:41 AM 1.38 feet Low Tide
2017-02-03 Fri 11:07 AM Moonrise
2017-02-03 Fri 02:24 PM 3.14 feet High Tide
2017-02-03 Fri 05:26 PM Sunset
2017-02-03 Fri 08:00 PM 1.46 feet Low Tide
2017-02-03 Fri 08:19 PM First Quarter

The conditions will be great with variable winds out of the East at 2-8 MPH until 2PM and mild 1-3 MPH breezes out of the West until sundown. There’s a 20% chance of rain and the air temp tops out at 61 degrees.

Water Temps: are as follows – Malibu 56, Santa Monica 58, Hermosa 56, Huntington 57 and Newport 57 degrees. Click the tides tab on the widget below for updated water temps or if you’re on a mobile device just scroll down!

I will be back on Tuesday with the 5DAY 4CAST!

ABOUT THE SWELLMAGNET FORECAST – One of the most exciting–and yet most challenging–aspects of surfing is the sheer variety of waves and weather conditions that affect the entire surfing experience. Any surfer who is interested in going beyond the most basic level of surfing will have to develop the ability to interpret waves and environmental conditions. This is important for ensuring both a safe and enjoyable experience.

The main difficulty lies in predicting how exactly the ocean and the environment will behave at any given time. One day, you could be riding four-footers all day and the next, you might be facing a glasslike surface with nary a ripple. Conditions can change drastically from day-to-day and even within the space of a couple of hours. To avoid wasted time and unproductive trips to the surf, it is essential to have access to reliable information on surf conditions.

Sites such as Swellmagnet.com offer up-to-the-minute surf reports that are essential to all California surfers. The company relies on an extensive network of surf cams and surf experts in order to monitor the precise surf conditions on any given day. All information is collated and analyzed by qualified surf specialists, with the resulting data being provided to the public via the Swellmagnet site.

Swellmagnet provides some of the best surf reports in the industry, with accurate and verifiable results gathered via an innovative system of surf condition monitors and detectors. Expert surf analysis is provided by the company’s team of highly experienced specialists, each with long years of experience monitoring and actually experiencing the full range of surf conditions. This combination of state-of-the-art technology and extensive practical experience ensures the highest quality and most accurate surf reports available.

For surfers who wish to take full advantage of the best that the California coast has to offer, the services provided by Swellmagnet are essential.

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