
Western Somoa

It’s a steamy morning in the cradle of Polynesia. Who could blame writer James Mitchner for spilling so much adulation on this exotic island 50 years ago in “Tales of the South Pacific”. This island he chose for his honeymoon remains virtually the same. It’s old style culture prides it’s self on being the most civilized primitive society on earth. From the second we landed here we were treated with sincere warmth and friendship one normally receives at a Thanksgiving dinner.

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The locals love the fact that their waves are such quality that we flew all the way from America. The power and shape of the main breaks are world class. If you time it right you and your mates will surf “heaven on earth”. Bring a portion of your quiver, I saw my friend, Andy Barton, snap a board at Sa Aga Reef today. Booties and a surf helmet add a small sense of security when surfing on the coral gardens of this beautiful paradise.

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It makes me think about how lucky we are to live in an era of modern transportation. It took the Mitchners 6 months to sail here on a steamship. For my friends and I all it took was a commitment to the voyage and one phone call to Sean Murphy at Waterways Surf travel. They took all of the hassle out of pulling off a complex surf adventure in a third world.

About the writer: Elporto.com met Brian Rapp after hearing about his travels throughout the world surfing rare and pristine breaks. Brian is a soul surfer who is usually the guy you send out on a recon mission when pulling up to unfamiliar reefs. As he put it ” You’ve just got to commit to these life changing experiences while you are able”.


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